Sunday, February 06, 2005




My own blogger. Welcome! This is my first post and it is an early morning (or late night) one. I am a night owl with a day time job that forces me to get up early. This wreaks havoc with my internal clock, especially on weekends. I work as an Occupational Therapy Assistant at an in-patient rehabilitation facility. If you want to know more about that, let me know.

Anyway. I have known how to crochet for a very long time. My grandmother taught me and I then forgot all about it. Couple of years ago, I picked it back up and have finished over ten afghans and given them all away (I use the one my grandmother made me). I work with a basically elderly population, and many crochet or knit. And I became fascinated with learning how to knit. I made several abortive attempts on my own, but I am a poor pattern reader. I do have other interests though (stay with me, it does connect to knitting), which include theatre. I met a new friend, Mary, who was knitting during spare time in rehearsals and backstage. She was making this marvelous felted french market bag. I WANTED TO DO THAT! She took me under her wing, along with another friend named Anna, and we meet to SnB on Tuesdays. I'm still only doing basic knit and purl stitches, but I'm 3/4 through my first Knitty project ... Wavy! I'm having so much fun learning to knit. Shout out to Mary who is the best!

Right now I work full time, am stage managing the current community theatre production of MOON OVER BUFFALO (hilarious show), and learning to knit. I'm not at home right now though, I'm in *****boro, NC which is about 1 hour from my home visiting my two best friends - Eddie and April. April is pregnant (very early stages). Her sister and cousin are also pregnant (one of which didn't think she could get pregnant). Two good friends and co-workers are due soon and another is trying for a second child. There was a jealousy pang, but it went away fast, followed by a flood of panic about gifts. I'm known for making baby blankets (crochet) for people. But I'm on a knitting kick and just can not get geared up to making that many blankets! I've been looking for some fast and easy (beginner) baby bootie and hat patterns. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know!

Interesting side note. About a year ago I made a George Washington tricorn hat for a co-worker's child who had a school project. I sat in my living room watching the movie VOLCANO as I made two hats (the first was a disaster). Tonight, April, Eddie and I watched VOLCANO as I worked on a scarf (Wavy pattern from Knitty) for a birthday present. Something about that movie and craft work. Is that the theme from THE TWILIGHT ZONE? Dum ... dum .... DUM.

After I get through the spate of baby gifts, and no I probably won't break down and get store bought stuff, I will finally get to try that French Market bag that I lusted after in the first place.

Anyway, goodnight til next time!

you're sneaky. :P
you're sneaky. :P
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