Monday, February 28, 2005
Winners, Losers and Lost Sound Bites
Been a lot going on lately! First off. I'm beyond happy that Jay won Project Runway. It was good to see some footage that Kara Saun wasn't as morally holy-than-thou as she thought she was. My favorite quote, "I'm being penalized for having good taste?". No, no Kara Saun ... it's for a blatant disregard for the contract rules that state "No gratis or favors". Congrats Jay!
On a side note, if I need a dress designed for me then Wendy may be getting a visit. I enjoyed Jay's clothing a lot, but Wendy's clothes are supremely wearable. No need to feel badly Wendy, there are those of us out here that 'get it'.
Okay. Last weekend for the Community Playhouse production of MOON OVER BUFFALO. My parents came to see it on Sunday. My step-dad loved it and my mother hated it. My mother (who wishes that fiction was just a passing fad) does not enjoy slap-stick comedy. This show isn't exactly slap-stick, but it is extremely funny. So my mother not liking it is no big deal, in fact, quite expected. However, there was a comedy of errors of sorts on Friday night. The light board operator, my friend Mary, was out getting an award for her design of a playhouse theatre poster. I don't have a pic, but you can visit her blog at in order to see it. So the director was running up and down from the lobby, backstage, and the booth to help out. I'm running both the sound and light boards, often at the same time AND THEY ARE NOT IN REACHING DISTANCE FROM EACH OTHER! Sigh. Not to mention that the sound system pooped out on us on Friday. No sound. The show starts and my first cue to run the telephone is coming up and in desperation I hang the booth monitor (a small computer speaker) out the booth window, crank up the booth monitor and run it through that. It was hilarious. The audience had no problem, but the actors were reacting to the phone and not being able to hear it. This lasted the entire last three performances. Surprisingly, all seemed to go well.
Also, Thursday night, went to see the national tour of BEST LITTLE WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS with friends Sandy and Joe and his girlfriend, Liz. Great show. Lot's of cursing. Some people actually called and complained the next day over the curse words. Hello???? People, people. If you are going to a show with the word "Whorehouse" in the title, there might be something you find offensive in the show. Sigh. Just because you enjoyed the movie, does not mean the play will be the same. GREASE in another show that comes to mind. Broadway shows are routinely 'cleaned up' for movie goers.
Have a great day!
On a side note, if I need a dress designed for me then Wendy may be getting a visit. I enjoyed Jay's clothing a lot, but Wendy's clothes are supremely wearable. No need to feel badly Wendy, there are those of us out here that 'get it'.
Okay. Last weekend for the Community Playhouse production of MOON OVER BUFFALO. My parents came to see it on Sunday. My step-dad loved it and my mother hated it. My mother (who wishes that fiction was just a passing fad) does not enjoy slap-stick comedy. This show isn't exactly slap-stick, but it is extremely funny. So my mother not liking it is no big deal, in fact, quite expected. However, there was a comedy of errors of sorts on Friday night. The light board operator, my friend Mary, was out getting an award for her design of a playhouse theatre poster. I don't have a pic, but you can visit her blog at in order to see it. So the director was running up and down from the lobby, backstage, and the booth to help out. I'm running both the sound and light boards, often at the same time AND THEY ARE NOT IN REACHING DISTANCE FROM EACH OTHER! Sigh. Not to mention that the sound system pooped out on us on Friday. No sound. The show starts and my first cue to run the telephone is coming up and in desperation I hang the booth monitor (a small computer speaker) out the booth window, crank up the booth monitor and run it through that. It was hilarious. The audience had no problem, but the actors were reacting to the phone and not being able to hear it. This lasted the entire last three performances. Surprisingly, all seemed to go well.
Also, Thursday night, went to see the national tour of BEST LITTLE WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS with friends Sandy and Joe and his girlfriend, Liz. Great show. Lot's of cursing. Some people actually called and complained the next day over the curse words. Hello???? People, people. If you are going to a show with the word "Whorehouse" in the title, there might be something you find offensive in the show. Sigh. Just because you enjoyed the movie, does not mean the play will be the same. GREASE in another show that comes to mind. Broadway shows are routinely 'cleaned up' for movie goers.
Have a great day!
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That's actually pretty common around here Nicole, for people to call and compain about language and such. It definately plays a roll in which shows get picked for the Playhouse to do, or which get nixed or cleaned up a lot. Our theater would never get to do "Whorehose" even though they brought a tour through... and let me guess, the house was pretty full?
Sad, but true.
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Sad, but true.
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