Friday, April 01, 2005


Truth is in the eye of the beholder

Well, I spoke with my grandmother last night and she denied any problems. I asked her point blank about "what did the doctor say?". She said she has gout. Now gout is an incredibly painful disease dealing with uric (sp?) crystals collecting in certain areas. But it is not necessarily an indicator of kidney failure.

It comes down to this. My aunt is apparently an alarmist and reads into things the worst possible scenarios. My grandmother likes to gloss over things and keep us from worrying. I think the truth is somewhere in between them. From several states away, it's kind of hard to get a grip on how things really are.

It is April 1st. My friend Eddie's birthday! I hate that I won't get to see him and April until next weekend. April and I conspired and bought him seasons 3 and 4 of RED DWARF for his birthday. (Good thing he's too busy with Grad school to read Blogs now isn't it?!) I hate that I have to work this weekend. I now have to work every third weekend. When I started this job, it was every 7th or 8th weekend. August will be my 5 years with this job and I will be fully vested. I'm not necessarily looking to make a change, but if something turns up I will probably think about it seriously ... after August.

APRIL 12th!!!!!!!!!

Laurell K. Hamilton's new Merry Gentry book is due out on April 12th! Frost for King! Or at least consort ... hehehehehe!

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