Wednesday, April 20, 2005


Vote Vogler off the Island!

I love the show HOUSE and Vogler, the evil witch is gone! Okay, on to other things.

DECISION TIME. I work in a hospital. I make a decent salary, but I'm about to hit my 39th birthday (yes, for the first time). I live on my income and don't get to put much away. A nursing home called me to see if I was interested in working with them. I don't really want a SNF (skilled nursing facility) job, but after seeing their facility it was much better than anticipated. However, it is a 45 minute commute and gas prices are horrible and my car has passed the 100,000 mile mark. I told myself and my friends I wouldn't accept less than a $10,000 bump in salary. The offer came today. $8900 more. Is that enough? It sounds so good, but it's not the mark I set. I told the recruiter I would have to think it over. It's not a gimmick to get more out of her, but it would be nice if it happens. I just DON'T KNOW. Is it worth it? Gas and time and auto wear and tear. Right now, I'm leaning toward the "no" category. Right now I live 10 minutes from work and I'm quite comfy. I do need the money. Crap.

Onto more pleasant subjects. THE MIRACLE WORKER opens this Friday. I never think any show I'm in is ready and always needs one more week of rehearsal time. This show is no different. However, it's coming along nicely. We'll see.

Started a new book: THE GREEN RIDER. Not sure of the author, it's fantasy though. It's started out well. Still working on the PS2 game CHAMPIONS OF NORATH. I haven't played in about a week though. I have a very tough vampire to kill and last time he kicked my ever-lovin' behind.

Oh. New Pope. Not sure what I think of him yet although my mother is pleased. He's only 6 years younger than the last Pope. Hardliner. Could be good, could be bad. All I know is Karol left a large cassock to fill.

Anyway, dress rehearsal tonight. Gotta run!
God Bless

How about voting Scott off American Idol?
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