Monday, September 05, 2005



During times of crisis and disaster, heroes come to the surface. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, this has proven to be true.

Thank you.

Thank you to the Coast Guard who has now officially rescued more people in the last few days than it has in the past 50 years put together.

Thank you to the fire and police officers who have put their lives on the line for those victims of the hurricane and flood and the crimes that have followed. Several have abandoned their posts. And sadly, at least two have committed suicide, one possibly after learning his wife had drowned. But the vast majority continue working having also lost loved ones, friends, and their own homes. They too were often without shelter, water, clothing, and food.

Thank you to Texas and all other states that have offered and given assistance.

Thank you to those overseas who have offered help. Although I'm not sure the offer from the Venezuelan president wasn't more grandstanding than anything else. I was sincerely touched that the countries affected by the December tsunami have offered what they could. Especially Sri Lanka. They have not forgotten those that came to their rescue and that offer of $25,000 from a country struggling to rebuild means a whole lot.

All of these people are heroes. There were and are many, many more. Men in Mississippi who paddled around in boats during the storm pulling people to safety. Someone in New Orleans with the means to evacuate leaving a condo with every container filled with clean water to strangers so they could take shelter. Untold peoples who have opened their homes, their hearts, and their wallets.

Events like this bring out the worst and the best in people.

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