Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Murderball is coming!

No, although I have a new computer (Dell) and a digital camera ... I STILL do not know how to post my loverly pictures on my blog site. Yet.

Everything else is going well. I have some pictures from Thanksgiving, in an old farm house in the country with a real country dinner. Although I do not have pictures of me passed out asleep from the turkey and snoring away on the couch.

For the movies: LOVED, loved LOVED "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire". I question the added dragon minutes necessity, although enjoying them. I question the added time since so much else was left out. Poor Dobby. And while I loved the ferret scene, the absence of Ron's line at that point was disappointing. Small, small quibbles in a movie I totally enjoyed.

Right now, from Netflix, I have Ong-Bak: The Thai Warrior. This is not your usual martial arts film. THERE ARE NO STRINGS ATTACHED. Meaning, no wire work, it is ALL physical accomplishment only. No CG moments to the fighting. It's got an 84% on the Rotten Tomatoes review site.

And while I'm very excited to watch this movie, I am even More excited about the next one. I put the movies I want to see next at the top of my list and they send them in order of availability. In other words, if I want movie "A" but it's out, then the send me movie "B" which would be number two on my list. At the top of my list, however, I have the movies that have a "short wait" attached. I do it that way so that I never have to guess when a movie will come available, but I don't expect to get them right away either. But one of the movies I wasn't expecting for a while is on it's merry little way to my house.

MURDERBALL - It's a documentary about quadraplegic rugby players. That's right, you read that correctly. Quad Rugby. One of the most physical sports and those that most people write off as far as athletics go. These guys are rough and being in the rehabilitation field I am just soooo excited to get to see it.

One of the good things about my job (and sometimes annoying) is that no matter how bad your day has been or what's going on in your life ... it's all put into perspective by the people around you. Someone's always, always got it worse. You think you've got it bad??? Not hardly.

Now this doesn't mean I never complain. It just means I don't have much to complain about! Yeah things don't always go my way. Money's a struggle for 99% of the country. Weight and dieting, yuck. Love life (I think I've heard of the concept). But all in all, life is good. Very good. Although, if I don't figure out how to post my pictures, the grumbling may cause a localized earthquake around here!

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