Thursday, December 08, 2005


Apologies and Changes

BIG apologies are owed to my friends and family. When I went to the memorial service I wrote about in the last blog entry, I had turned my cell phone to "silent" mode. And I didn't think about it again. Ooooo! I missed so many messages. On one hand, it was a quiet two days and I was able to get some things done. On the other hand, I worried several people all of whom couldn't reach me. My deepest apologies.

This weekend I am going to the dedication service of my friend's new baby. The same friend who just lost her aunt and mother. Emotional weekend. Anyway, I long ago promised pictures of the new baby and here goes:

Hello Trey!

A bit blurry, but you get the idea



Okay, Okay, the last one is not of Trey. But Calli-girl rules! And Trey is jealous of the cat. When the cat laid down on April's chest the baby (who had been perfectly happy) poked out his bottom lip and pouted, then howled. Isn't the cat supposed to be the jealous one????

Oh, and as for the changes mentioned in the title of this entry. PROJECT RUNWAY has begun Season 2! And back for this season is the guy who was voted off first last season. Balls baby. I didn't like him last time, blissed out and arrogant in a blissed way. Howeeeeever. This time in the second challenge he created a dress that I would have loved to have won the challenge. In fact, on the poll, his design is actually more popular than the winner's effort (which I liked very much as well). Go Daniel Franco. You dropped the "bliss" comments and upped the ante on your designs. Keep going!

BTW, Santino is extremely talented. Also extremely arrogant. And did anyone see Chloe's face after she won the second challenge and he walked by saying something like "they just didn't want to give me the win two times in a row". Yeah right. Sour grapes dude.

Later y'all! God Bless

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