Friday, January 06, 2006



Ok. I'm home sick with a cold. Channel surfing. There's a show - "Paris' Most Shocking", like a countdown about ... you know, the annoying blonde Hilton sister.

Now. Consider that I watch PROJECT RUNWAY and their most recent challenge was to make a party dress for Nicky Hilton. In the one show that I saw Nicky, she was so much less irritating than her sister.

I'm tired of Paris Hilton. The only Paris I want to know anything more about is the city in France (which I will be visiting in a few short months - for the first time).

I was watching the show, counting down Paris moments and grumbling to myself how did someone with absolutely no talent or credentials become so fascinating to people? That's when I realized that my grumbling and watching her was ENABLING THAT VERY THING! T.V. off. No more, please. Really.

That said, the recent PR show featuring Nicky Hilton - well, the focus wasn't so much on the girl but the fashion designers. It's a fine line, but since I am the decider of where that line is drawn, then I claim "fair ball!"


I still miss Daniel Franco!

Okay. Santino's dress was nice, but I agreed with Heidi - to short waisted. Chloe's was just not me (admittedly they weren't designing for me though). Nick's had a very cute back, but I didn't like the front as much.

Guadelupe and Marla - cut them both. That sucked.

Zulema - ???????????? Yuck. The bodice was kind of cool, but other than that. No.

Emmett - well, personally - I LOVED THIS DRESS. Loved the fabric and design.
Kara - Ditto (see above comments on Emmett's dress). Girl, that was cute!

Andre - I wanted to hate it, but I didn't. I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it. I just don't like you much.

Diana - Uhm, better luck next time.

Daniel V. - I didn't think you should have won the team lingerie challenge. But in this challenge, you rocked.

Later y'all and God Bless

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