Thursday, April 13, 2006



At work the other day a patient's brother and I had a brief exchange:

me: Hi, I'm (Lola). How are you today?

him: I'm a snapdragon.

me: (odd look)

him: A snapdragon.

me: Snapdragon?

him: Yep. I've got a bit of snap left in me but the rest is a draggin'

me: (howling with laughter)

It's not high comedy, but it had me rolling. I've been using it ever since. Then on the "a bit strange side of things", I had a dream than my grandmother was near death and they were calling for the next of kin. I was there already and it was up to me to pull the plug. Then I woke up, but not feeling particularly worried or upset, just a bit sad. Before I could get in touch with my grandmother my friend Shelby called to tell me that they'd had to put her beloved horse down. He was a beautiful 18 year old saddlebred show horse. Retired and pampered, he'd been having a lot of foundering (not sure exactly what that is) and had been nursed back to health at least twice only to get even sicker. I wondered if there was a connection and if my grandmother, who will be 96 next month, was okay. The same grandmother whom the doctor told not to drive anymore.

So I called her.

me: You sound good.

her: I'm just tired, I went to the store today by myself.

me: By yourself? How?

her: I dro----. NEVER YOU MIND!

me: (laughing)

her: Let's just say I didn't walk.

me: (laughing harder)

her: It's just around the corner.

me: (laughing even harder) You know you're not supposed to drive.

her: (no response)

me: Genie?

her: I love you.

me: Genie? You're not supposed to drive.

her: So, I talked to your brother last week .....


I have to contact my Uncle now. I feel like I'm a rat, but hey, I can't just let it slide. Really, I can't. Bad granddaughter.

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