Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Long Overdue

Yes, I have been lax in keeping up with my blog lately. Sorry! What's going on in my life? Well, I'm knitting a new baby blanket for a good friend, Shelby. This is the Hoover blanket from the knitty web site. I'm double knitting and I don't know if it's working right, but it looks pretty good, although nothing like my friend Mary's. I'm going to have to show it to her to figure out what's going on. In the meantime, it looks good and I'm going to finish it as is and I'll post a picture when I can.

I have joined eharmony. Oi! I'm not sure about this .... I'm pretty set in my ways and very happy in my life right now. I don't need another person to "complete" my life. But I wouldn't mind having a partner to go dancing with or talking with, growing older together, etc. etc. I'm really not sure about this at all. Then, my friend Shannon suggested she had a great friend "perfect" for me. That never turns out well, but what if he is the right one? Oh well. Wait and see, just smile and wave y'all, just smile and wave.

In the meantime, I have more European pictures. No, no groaning please! This first one is of the gates at Buckingham Palace. The one after that is from where I poked my camera through the gates to take a picture of the palace and the palace guards.

Buckingham Palace

Next come some pictures from the Tower of London. The first one is of the Tower Bridge, it's really quite impressive right up close.
Tower Bridge

Here is the infamous Traitor's Gate (once the Water Gate). Here is where Anne Boleyn entered and became hysterical, sitting upon the steps and having to be carried in to the Royal apartments. Princess Elizabeth, imprisoned by her half-sister Bloody Mary, was the only prisoner brought in through this gate who survived. She was to become Queen Elizabeth I.
Traitor's Gate

Anne Boleyn's steps

I forget which tower I took this picture from, but it was dark and dreary, and I'm not even sure this was a cell.

This is the Bloody Tower (on left) and Ralegh's Walk (on right). They spell Ralegh differently, for it is Sir Walter Raleigh for whom the city just an hour from me is named. He spent 13 years imprisoned in plush settings, but he hated it despite the comforts afforded to him. This is also where the two princes were housed before being foully murdered ... by Henry VII (or his followers). I know it's generally regarded to be the fault of Richard III, but I totally disagree with that view and even wrote a paper on the subject.
Booo! Henry VII

This is the White Tower, and the first building of what now makes up the Tower of London. It was started during the reign of William the Conqueror. There are several towers at the "Tower".
The White Tower

I'm throwing this in just cuz I love it. This is a picture of the remaining Roman wall at the Tower of London. Why did the Roman's conquer so much of the world? One answer is ... concrete. I won't lecture now, but look it up, it's true. Why were the Roman's buildings so superior? They used volcanic rock to make their concrete and it was stronger and lasted longer than anything else in the region, many regions.
Roman ingenuity

This is an interesting picture. I regret not getting a better picture of the tower to the far right, the one with the ecru stones. That's Beauchamp Tower and that is where Queen Anne Boleyn was housed before being beheaded, same for many others, including Lady Jane Grey who was Queen Regent for 9 days before being executed by Bloody Mary for treason. She was 17 years old I think.

But the house in the center with the blue doors was a prison for 4 days to Rudolph Hess, one time secretary to Adolph Hitler.
Hess House

Next time: The British Museum!


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