Sunday, November 12, 2006


Time out

Sorry that it's been a while since my last post.

Let's see, in the recent past:

Grandmother has been discharged home from the nursing facility and is feeling so good she's driving everyone nuts. Although she still fatigues realllly easily, she's just as fiesty as ever.

Charlaine Harris' new book GRAVE SURPRISE is out. Read it. I can't say it's my favorite series, or even my favorite of her series. But I did really enjoy the read.

Read L.T. Fawkes working-man mysteries, all three of them. Only three. I have to ask, will there be any MORE???? I vote yes if that has any bearing on the situation I don't know.

LOST is over until February 7th. WHAT?????? Was this last "fall season finale" supposed to answer any questions? Any at all? Love the show, but you're driving me nuts.

Had a date. Went well. Don't wanna jinx anything, so saying no more.

Godson said my name for the first (and thus far only time)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Course he couldn't say it completely, but I'd been trying to get him to say "Co-co" for a while. He finally did! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

And just what have I been doing with my time if not posting or what-have-you?????



I've been through the mines and have completed 7 hunts. It's good, really good so far. Got to go, marks to hunt, gil to plunder, and storylines to unfold ....


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