Saturday, January 20, 2007



I have a cough. Not a bad one, but it irritates me ... no pun intended. So, after dinner with a friend, we went over to the store and purchased a generic cough syrup.

The instructions tell me that an adult and children over 12 should take two teaspoons every 4 hours. There is even a convenient little cup that comes with my bottle of cough syrup.

But ...

The little cup has lines for 2 tsp, 3 tsp, and 1 tablespoon. ?????????

I checked the directions again. The highest dosage listed for adults is "two teaspoons". So why are there lines to indicate MORE than the safest dosage????

In an era wherein more warnings and labels are available than at any other time in human history, all of which are in an effort to keep people from making mistakes with their medicines ... is the packaging so ... so ... wrong?

I can just see someone thinking, oh, my cough is so bad I need the stronger dosage, I'll choose the TABLESPOON line to fill my medicine cup. However, the instructions clearly read "two teaspoons".

I just don't get it, however, my cough is a bit better. And that was with the two tablespoons portion too.


Oh no! The baby made you sick! I'm sooooooo sorry! I bruised my tailbone if that makes you feel better.
No, it doesn't make me feel better cuz I'm now having visions of you falling and hurting yourself. NOT GOOD. I feel fine now BTW.
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