Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Tears and Cheers for Virginia Tech
I can't say much on this subject, it goes too deep for mere words. My heart and my prayers go out to all those of Virginia Tech.
I really can't blog about this yet, it still makes me cry. But I will say that I am deeply saddened by the losses and deeply touched by the heroes such as Professor Librescu and RA "Stack" as well as several others.
I can not recall the name right now, but there was a teacher slain of international reknown who had been one of those on the leading edge of studying the engineering of how CP (cerebral palsey) muscles/structures/responses worked. Having had a dear, dear Uncle with CP and having friends with children with this condition, this hits very hard at my heart. Those foundations working to cure CP has been my grandmother's favorite charity for ... forever (close since she turns 97 next month) because of her sister's child - my Uncle Gene who played basketball from a wheelchair with my brothers and myself.
It hurts to think of that much potential simply ... gone. Destroyed in a mindless act. Then expand that loss to include all 33 victims (yes, I know that includes the shooter), and the sheer POTENTIAL of all those creative, bright, PEOPLE being lost ...
No. It's better to think of those who rose to the occasion, those known and not known, who in small and big ways are exceeding their potential.
I really can't blog about this yet, it still makes me cry. But I will say that I am deeply saddened by the losses and deeply touched by the heroes such as Professor Librescu and RA "Stack" as well as several others.
I can not recall the name right now, but there was a teacher slain of international reknown who had been one of those on the leading edge of studying the engineering of how CP (cerebral palsey) muscles/structures/responses worked. Having had a dear, dear Uncle with CP and having friends with children with this condition, this hits very hard at my heart. Those foundations working to cure CP has been my grandmother's favorite charity for ... forever (close since she turns 97 next month) because of her sister's child - my Uncle Gene who played basketball from a wheelchair with my brothers and myself.
It hurts to think of that much potential simply ... gone. Destroyed in a mindless act. Then expand that loss to include all 33 victims (yes, I know that includes the shooter), and the sheer POTENTIAL of all those creative, bright, PEOPLE being lost ...
No. It's better to think of those who rose to the occasion, those known and not known, who in small and big ways are exceeding their potential.