Sunday, May 20, 2007


Back With a Wimper

Hey y'all! Lola is BACK from vacation!

Well, I was down in Texas for a week to spend time with my grandmother. I was there for mother's day (apologies mom!) and for her 97th birthday. I had a hard time trying to get her to let me wait on HER for a change. Stubborn. But then, she has made it to 97!

The only rough spot on the trip was once I'd gotten back to RDU airport, picked up my luggage and was waiting for my ride (thanks mom!). She was late. Mom doesn't DO late though. Then it got to be later, and later, and later. She didn't answer her cell phone. No biggie, she often forgets and puts it in the trunk with her purse. But it got to be and hour from when my plane landed. I went back inside and looked, walked over to passenger drop-off and looked. Nada.

Folks, I have to say I was getting worried. My mother is not only punctual, but would find a way to call me on my cell phone if she were delayed. I actually called the Highway Patrol and they told me that there had been no fatal accidents that day where next-of-kin had not yet been notified. Relief. But, what if she'd been in an accident on the loop? I called home several times, but my step-father hadn't heard anything either.

It was at that moment that I hear my name being called. There she was waving at me as she walked down the sidewalk. She'd been inside the whole time waiting for me to come out. We'd passed each other a minimum of 3 times and had not seen each other! Ah well, it all ended well.

Then we went out for Japanese food. I had vegetable soba with mixed tempura veggies. Delish! Not all Japanese food is cooked on the table folks.

I'm here, laundry is going, and I'm sleepy. More later. Pictures too.


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