Monday, May 07, 2007



Hello all! Sorry it's been awhile. Let's see. I've been throwing pottery and am still not very good, but definately improving. Tonight I actually threw a lemon juicer! Pictures will, of course, follow if and when it survives firing.

Also, have been toying with the idea of writing again. It feels right. But I always get overly critical and go back and edit, re-edit, and re-edit after a few chapters and NEVER get done. So, I've also been reading a fan-fic site that a good friend found and while some are good and some are awful, it's good fun. Then it occurs to me - a small fan-fic could be a good way to get back into writing and maybe not "overthink" things.

I'll let you know. By the way, the term "lemons ahead" in fan-fic may mean a sexual scene that is rated M - for mature. The piece I'm writing is not a "lemon", but ya never know!

Love y'all,


Hi sweetie! Good to see you posting again.

Did I ever remember to tell you that I did pick up the Black Jewels trilogy? LOVED them - could not put them down. Thank you so much for recommending them!!!
So glad you loved them! (lil' skip). I loved meeting both you and C. HUGS!
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